الإثنين 13 يناير 2025 07:00 مـ 13 رجب 1446هـ

رئيس التحرير محمد يوسف رئيس مجلس الإدارة خالد فؤاد حبيب

رئيس التحرير محمد يوسف رئيس مجلس الإدارة خالد فؤاد حبيب

    اتصالات وتكنولوجيا

    Launch of ”Green Light Podcast” to Showcase Successful Experiences in Sustainability and Development

    Active Media Consulting has announced the launch of the "Green Light Podcast", which aims to highlight success stories in the fields of sustainability, community development, and entrepreneurship.

    The podcast seeks to create a dialogue platform to explore challenges and opportunities in these areas, encouraging the exchange of ideas and experiences to enhance awareness and promote a culture of sustainability within society.

    The podcast will be hosted by Dr. Shaimaa El-Badawy, a journalist and expert in sustainability and community development.

    Dr. El-Badawy stated, "Recently, there has been an increased focus on community development, sustainability, their relationship with climate change, and adaptation mechanisms, as well as their impact on various aspects of society."

    She emphasized that the program responds to the growing demand for media coverage of developmental efforts and their effects on economic, social, and environmental spheres.

    Dr. El-Badawy further explained, "Despite the significant efforts by the government, private sector, and civil society in this field, there remains a noticeable lack of media attention on these initiatives."

    She added, "This is where the idea of the Green Light Podcast originated—to serve as a platform highlighting these achievements by hosting prominent figures in sustainable development and innovation, and shedding light on pioneering initiatives and programs."

    The podcast will showcase inspiring stories and successful experiences from industry experts while presenting initiatives and programs with a tangible positive impact on society. The goal is to foster partnerships and facilitate the exchange of expertise among all stakeholders.

    Dr. El-Badawy concluded, "I believe that sharing ideas and experiences is key to driving positive change. The Green Light Podcast will be a platform for inspiration and learning, guiding us toward a more sustainable future."

    It is worth mentioning that the first episode of the Green Light Podcast premieres today, featuring Dr. Hanaa Helmy, Head of Sustainability at EFG Holding and CEO of the EFG Foundation for Development.

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    13 رجب 1446 هـ 13 يناير 2025 م
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